The Winning Side

May 5, 2019

In this message from Rodney Weekly, we look at Jesus’s grace in bringing believers over to the winning side.

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At Jordan

April 28, 2019

In this message from the book of Joshua, Gary Lodge encourages us with the healing, miracles, worship, and salvation found at the Jordan River.

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The Roads of Life

April 14, 2019
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There’s a Man Coming to Town

April 14, 2019

In this message from Gary Lodge, we look at Palm Sunday and the disciples example of obedience.

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The Roads of Life

April 7, 2019

In this message from Luke 24, we look at how the conversation of the two believers on the road to Emmaus applies to us now.

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The City of Refuge

March 31, 2019

In this message from Kevin Romain, we look at God setting aside cities of refuge for the Israelites and how we should love our neighbors including the sojourner.

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Caleb: A Dog’s Lesson in Faithfulness, Part 3

March 24, 2019

In this message from Gary Lodge, we go deeper into Caleb’s life and are encouraged to live in the blessings and victory given to us by Christ.

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Caleb Knew a Spared Life

March 17, 2019

In this message from Gary Lodge, we focus in on the provision God gave Caleb and how that relates to us today.

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Dropping Off

February 24, 2019

In this encouraging message from Kevin Romain, we are challenged to to fulfill the law of love and be everyday followers of Christ.

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