What You Know Will Make You Grow: Godliness

October 8, 2017

In this message from Gary Lodge, we look at growing in the quality of godliness.

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The Israel of God

October 1, 2017

We look at 4 old and new testament parallels in this brief message from Gerald McGill.

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The Plea of Christ

October 1, 2017

Christ wants us to be one like He and the Father are one. In this message from Gerald McGill we look at Christ’s plea and the predicted departure of some.

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What You Know Will Make You Grow: Patience

September 24, 2017

In this message from Gary Lodge, we look at the quality of patience based on 2 Peter 1.

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Good News in a Bad News World

September 17, 2017

Jesus came to proclaim the good news not to those who were self righteous, but those who needed Him. In this message from Gerald McGill, centered on Luke 4:18, we look at who Jesus is sent to.

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What You Know Will Make You Grow: Knowledge

August 27, 2017

It’s not enough to have faith and strive for moral excellence. You have to know what you have faith in and what you’re striving for excellence in.

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A Desirable Desire

August 20, 2017

In this message by Dr. David Lane, we look at the desire of Paul for his kinfolk to be saved and know God. A Burdened Heart A Bigger Heart A Burning Heart

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What You Know Will Make You Grow: Excellence

August 13, 2017

In this message by Gary Lodge, we look at growing the quality of virtue or moral excellence.

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Seeing Jesus on Another Level of Divinity

August 6, 2017

Jesus can teach the unteachable and give self-control to the in-tameable. In this message from Mark 5:1-9, Gerald McGill breaks down Jesus healing the man with an unclean spirit.

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